
Brand managers and marketers lack a streamlined and effective method to analyze and understand user engagement and sentiment about their brands on Reddit. This leads to challenges in leveraging Reddit for brand promotion and user understanding.


SEER, a Reddit Keywords Analyzer, offers a user-friendly interface that follows a simple 'keywords - filter - result' workflow. It provides a matrix view for quick insights and a detailed table for in-depth analysis. This tool aggregates and analyzes Reddit discussions, delivering clear insights into user sentiment, engagement levels, and trending discussions related to specific brands or products.


To empower brand managers and marketers with actionable insights from Reddit discussions, enhancing their ability to understand potential users and promote their brand more effectively. This leads to more informed marketing strategies, better user engagement, and potentially higher conversion rates for businesses.

SEER icon arrow

SEER: Enhancing Brand Impact on Reddit

Timelineicon arrow


Design thinking process icon arrow

Design think process


How do brand managers understand their users on Reddit currently

Research Objective icon arrow

Problem statement

The marketing manager spends a lot of time on Reddit to better understand their users. My goal is to help them further understand potential users and promote their brand more effectively on Reddit.

Objective 1

Understand the end-to-end process of how businesses are currently analysis process on Reddit

Research question:

Think about the last time you track sentiment, walk me through your process

Research question:

Explain how you felt during that process

Research question:

Talk to me about what other factors influenced your decision

Objective 2

Identify any problems or barriers they encounter when finding data on Reddit

Research question :

Describe the last time you had a problem when finding information on Reddit

Research question:

Were you able to solve the problem? What did you do to try to solve the problem?

Research question:

How would you improve or change the situation?

Objective 3

Uncover the different tools businesses use to understand customers’ sentiment

Research question:

Talk me through the different tools you used while tracking business sentiment

Research question:

Describe your experience with these different tools

Research question:

Compare the different experiences you had with the tools or talk about any tools you’ve heard of and haven’t used

Data from Reddit APIicon arrow



Sentiment analysis is a natural language processing technique used to determine whether data is positive, negative or neutral.

Upvote ratio

Upvote ratio is used to determine how popular the post is. A higher ratio indicates a higher level of engagement.


Each subreddit is moderated by a team of volunteer moderators who enforce a set of rules.


Timestamp indicating when the post was created on the platform.


Access titles from Reddit posts to search titles across the entire Reddit platform.


Developers can use the API to retrieve information about posts


Get information about Reddit authors, such as their karma score and post history.
Reddit Table

“ Understanding the problem and opportunities for businesses search and track customer sentiment on Reddit ”


Promote a brand on Reddit

Empathy mapicon arrow


Interview insights gatheringicon arrow


Find data

  • It can take some time to filter through all of the user data

Filter data

  • It takes time to gather useful user data

Structure data

  • It takes time to analyze and compare user data

“it can be difficult to find data that is specific to a certain topic or subreddit ”

“the data is often unorganized and spread out across different posts and comments ”

“There is no easy way to filter or search for specific information ”

“The data is unstructured and hard to read ”

“it can be challenging to determine the context of the data, as it is often posted by anonymous users ”

Personaicon arrow


User journeyicon arrow



Define the key concept and test

Key Solution Elementsicon arrow

Setup the keywords
  • Monitor the data according to the user's requirements
Display data
  • Clear and concise data presentation
  • Information is easily accessible
Data Comparison
  • Retrieve data within a specified timeframe
New keyword feed alert
  • Stay informed of all developments regarding [keyword].
Identify the distinctive data
  • Data drill down
  • Data explore
Export Data
  • Export data share with team

How it worksicon arrow

User create keywords
  • Input keywords
  • Save keywords
Queries Reddit post API
  • Keywords
  • Sentiment score
Label posts via keywords
  • Determine keywords
  • Sentiment score
View dashboard
  • Visualize data
  • Customize data chart

Version 1icon arrow

Key flow and customer journey


Sketch the basic flow


Based on the sketch update the flow


Testing the basic functions, ensure the attainment of the primary objective


Based on the customer journey map, outline the primary steps in the customer experience.

Step one, enter keyword(s)

step two, adjustment

Version 2icon arrow

Key flow update


Flow overview




By thinking one step deeper about charts

the post count, upvote ratio, and sentiment score are the most significant data for the keywords

step two, go to the dashboard to select the time range

So I decide to use the line chart to show the post count, upvote ratio, and sentiment score. and using one single pie chart to show the combined date of Reddit post count and communities

Version 3icon arrow

Final Flow Chart

Final flow

“ Structuring the experience ”


Users should be able to add and delete the keywords

Users should be able to see how popular the keywords in Reddit posts were and what was the sentiment behind them.

Users should be able to filter data by a certain date range or a single date

Users should be able to click the link to see the original Reddit posts. For example, short the table with negative sentiment or most popular posts, open the most popular link to see the details

Feedback from the testing

It is a bit ambiguous to navigate from keywords to the dashboard. each keyword has its own dashboard. Do I still need to have the dashboard tag on the left navigation panel? Or only have a list of keywords, move the setting to the top right.

When comparing data, the user has to open two windows to compare, maybe there is a better way to compare the data side by side

Final solution

Powerful machine learning with Reddit API

SEER integrates and understands Reddit data to deliver insights at your fingertips to help you understand your customers better

How it works

See trend for keywords

In order to track the band and product, see how keywords perform over time with upvote ratio, sentiment score, and post counts

How it works

See performance by communities

For advertising, understand which communities perform the best for your keywords

How it works

View raw post data

See the top post by sorting sentiment score and upvote ratio See the most recent posts by sorting date

How it works

Metricsicon arrow

Post count
  • By Reddit communities
Upvote ratio
  • from 0 to 1
Sentiment score
  • From 10 to -10

Hi-fi screensicon arrow


Skills & Experiences icon arrow

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